Bahasa Inggris


This is a course designed to empower students with essential knowledge of English used in his area and ability to apply this knowledge in comprehension and production. This course focuses on academic purposes and effective communication, covering five different skills (grammar, reading, speaking, writing and listening) in related activities).

Materi Pembelajaran

  • History of Famous place in Western country/Japan/China/French
  • Western country/Japan/China/French Popular Culture
  • Processes in Western country/Japan/China/French Food and Beverages
  • Western country/Japan/China/French Movie Review
  • Western country/Japan/China/French Tourism
  • Western country/Japan/China/French Language and Others
  • Western country/Japan/China/French Rich Cultural Heritage


Pustaka Utama

  • An English Class Handbook by Team

Sistem Penilaian

Matrik Penilaian

  • Describing Process – 10%
  • Movie Review/Listening Comprehension – 10%
  • Quiz 1 – 7,5%
  • Quiz 2 – 7,5%
  • Western Country/Japan/China/French Culture Review and Presentation (PJBL) – 10%
  • UTS – 25%
  • UAS – 30%

Umpan Balik Mahasiswa