Pluralism and Multiculturalism


After taking the Professional Ethics course, students can understand and apply the concepts and principles of the code of ethics in society.

Course Content

  • Religious pluralism and its dynamics
  • Civic Pluralism with all its dynamics
  • Cultural Pluralism with all its developmental dynamics


Primary Literature

  • Tarmizi Taher, Basofi Sudirman, 1997. HAM dan Pluralisme Agama, Pusat Kajian Strategi dan Kebijakan: Jakarta
  • Zainal Abidin Bagir, dkk, 2011. Pluralisme Kewargaan: Arah Baru Politik Keragaman di Indoensia, Mizan: Bandung
  • Komaruddin Hidayat, 1998. Passing Over: Melintasi Batas Agama, Gramedia: Jakarta

Supporting Literature

  • Viktor I. Tanja, 1998. Pluralisme Agama dan Problema Sosial: Diskursus Teologis tentang Isu-isu Kontemporer, Penerbit CIDESINDO: Jakarta, p. 3-12
  • Passing Over: Melintasi Batas Agama, Gramedia: Jakarta
  • I. Bambang Sugiharto, 2017. Pluralisme, Multikulturalisme, dan Batas-batas Toleransi, PS Antropologi FIB-UB, p. 1- 4
  • Hipolitus Kristoforus Kewuel, 2018. Indonesia sebagai Ruang Imajinasi, PS Antropologi FIB-UB: Malang, p. 15-27
  • Zainal Abidin Bagir, dkk, 2011. Pluralisme Kewargaan: Arah Baru Politik Keragaman di Indoensia, Mizan: Bandung
  • M. Ainul Yaqin, 2005. Pendidikan Multikultural untuk Demokrasi dan Keadilan, Pila Media: Yogyakarta

Assessment System

Assessment Matrix

  • Participatory Activity 10%
  • Project based 40%
  • Quiz 10%
  • Midterm Exam 20%
  • Final Exam 20%


The percentage of student contribution is taken from the score given by group members to other group members (peer-assessment) regarding the contribution in the process of working on the task from beginning to end.

  • Score 100% if the assessed member fully participates from start to finish
  • Score 75% if the assessed member participates actively, although sometimes less involved
  • Score 50% if the assessed member participates, although often not involved
  • Score 25% if the assessed member only appears at the beginning/middle/end only
  • Score 0% if the assessed member is not involved at all
  • The student contribution percentage score is the total number of peer-assessments divided by the number of group members who were assessed

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