Antropologi Perusahaan


Menguasai Pengetahuan terhadap Antropologi Perusahaan; pendekatan etnografi tentang pekerjaan; Memahami Antropologi Perusahaan baik secara sejarah maupun secara teori antropologis.

Materi Pembelajaran

  • Studi norma, nilai, kepercayaan, dan praktik yang membentuk budaya di perusahaan.
  • Pemahaman terhadap hierarki dan struktur sosial yang memengaruhi interaksi di perusahaan
  • Menjelaskan cara mendapatkan funding proyek penelitian dan pegabdian
  • Analisis terhadap keragaman budaya, etnis, dan gender serta dampaknya di tempat kerja.
  • Kajian terhadap peran simbol, ritual, dan mitos dalam membentuk identitas dan budaya perusahaan.


Pustaka Utama

  • Andre Komlosky. “Divisions of Labour: The Simultaneity and Combination of Labour Relations” in Work. The Last 1,000 Years. Verso. 2018.
  • Ho, Karen.. Disciplining investment bankers, disciplining the economy: Wall Street’s institutional culture of crisis and the downsizing of “Corporate America.” American Anthropologist, 111(2), 177–189. 2009
  • Sedgwick, M. (2017). Complicit positioning: anthropological knowledge and problems of ‘studying up’ for ethnographer-employees of corporations. Journal of Business Anthropology, 6(1), 58–88
  • Comaroff , John and Jean Comoroff (in press, 2008) “Ethnicity, Inc. BAB I.
  • Wan, Adolphus Yee-Yin, & Ip, Marco Pui-Lam. (2014). Guanxi in relationship marketing of China’s foreign banks: A marketing research to echo business anthropology. International Journal of Business Anthropology, 5(2), 47–66.

Pustaka Pendukung

  • Lidow, D. (2017). Notes from the corner office: An urgent need for more ethnographic study of business creation. Journal of Business Anthropology, 6(2), 127–132.
  • Paul G. Patterson, Jane Scott, Mark D. Uncles “How the local competition defeated a global brand: The case of Starbucks”. Australasian Marketing Journal, Volume 18, Issue 1, February 2010, Pages 41-47
  • Garvey, P. (2013). “Ikea sofas are like H&M trousers”: The potential of sensuous signs. Journal of Business Anthropology, 2(1), 75–92.
  • Kathryn M. Robinson “Domination and Conflict : The Company, the Village, and the State” in Stepchildren of Progress. The Political Economy of Development in an Indonesian Mining Town. SUNY Press. 1986.
  • Race Relations and Class Domination”. The Political Economy of Development in an Indonesian Mining Town. SUNY Press. 1986.
  • Stepchildren of Progress: Ethnicity and Class Consciousness in the Mining Town. The Political Economy of Development in an Indonesian Mining Town. SUNY Press. 1986.
  • Marine Welker “Corporate Security Begins in the Community”: Mining, the Corporate Social Responsibility Industry, and Environmental Advocacy in Indonesia” Cultural Anthropology Vol. 24, No. 1 (Feb., 2009), pp. 142-179

Umpan Balik Mahasiswa