Nindyo Budi Kumoro, M.A.

Nindyo Budi Kumoro


Nindyo Budi Kumoro (Doni) is a lecturer and socio-cultural researcher at the Department of Arts and Cultural Anthropology, Brawijaya University, Malang. He earned a bachelor's degree at the Department of Cultural Anthropology, Gadjah Mada University (2012) and a postgraduate degree in Anthropology at the same university (2015). His writings and research are spread across various journals that focus on local religious studies, rural communities, popular culture studies, and museum studies in Indonesia.

The books he has published as a writer and editor are “Seri Studi Kebudayaan II: Indonesia sebagai Ruang Imajinasi” (2018), “Seri Studi Kebudayaan III: Menaksir Gerak dan Arah Pembangunan Indonesia Timur” (2019), and the most recent is “Pariwisata dan Budaya: Sebuah Bunga Rampai tentang Antropologi Kepariwisataan (2021)”. He is also a central administrator at the Indonesian Anthropological Association (AAI) and a reviewer for several well-known campus journals in Indonesia. Apart from teaching, Doni is also active in research and is a resource for socio-cultural discussions in various scientific forums.


  • Penyusunan Instrumen Penilaian Desa Wisata di Indonesia 2022 (Kemenparekraf RI 2022)
  • Pariwisata di Tengah Pandemi: Studi Kasus tentang Pola Wisata Alternatif di Malang, Jawa Timur (2022)
  • Marginalitas Baru, Marginalitas Lama: Meneropong Kerentanan/Ketahanan Masyarakat Pasca-Pandemi (Covid-Integrated Research UB 2021)
  • Perspektif Sosial Budaya dalam Fenomena Pengambilan Paksa Jenazah Pasien Covid-19: Studi Kasus Beberapa Daerah di Jawa Timur (PKM Dikti 2021
  • Inventarisasi Warisan Budaya Tak Benda Kelurahan Polowijen Kota Malang (DPP/SPP UB 2021)
  • Study of the Role of Cultural Events in Supporting National Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf RI 2021)
  • Encyclopedia of Indonesian Music Volume 1 Songs of Ambon & Maluku
  • Continuity and Change in the Midst of Ecological and Livelihood Transformation in Tengger East Java (2020)
  • Perubahan dan Keberlangsungan: Dinamika Sosial-Ekonomi Masyarakat Tengger di Tengah Krisis Ekologi dan Munculnya Pariwisata Budaya (2019)
  • Ethnicity, Identity, and The Politics of Space in Urban Society of Jayapura City (2019)