Nabila Bidayah N., M.A

Nabila Bidayah


Completing her undergraduate education at Brawijaya University and postgraduate education at Gadjah Mada University, Nabila studied Anthropology with a focus on Gender, Sexuality, Media and Pop Culture. Currently working as a lecturer at the Brawijaya University Anthropology Study Program in the subject Body, Gender & Sexuality; Consumerism and Market Culture; and Urban Anthropology. Her latest research talks about Indonesian migrant workers, violence and power relations in animals and humans, and urban slum tourism.


  • “Need for Exposure”: Violence and Power Relations on Domestic Animals Violence Content (2022)
  • Lupa Lautan: Domestifikasi Perempuan Suku Laut Tajur Biru sebagai Dampak Program Sedentarisasi (2023, segera terbit)