Manggala Ismanto, M.A.

Manggala Ismanto, M.A.


Currently pursuing doctoral studies at the University of Amsterdam (UvA)


  • Study of the Role of Cultural Events in Supporting National Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf RI 2021)
  • Continuity and Change in the Midst of Ecological and Livelihood Transformation in Tengger East Java (2020)
  • Rekonstruksi dan Redefinisi Ruang: Hidup di antara Area Kumuh dan Destinasi Wisata (2019)
  • Perubahan dan Keberlangsungan: Dinamika Sosial-Ekonomi Masyarakat Tengger di Tengah Krisis Ekologi dan Munculnya Pariwisata Budaya (2019)