Indonesian Language


The Indonesian Language course aims to instill the value of patriotism through the understanding and application of good and correct Indonesian language in scientific writing. This ability is important for developing science and technology in various fields of science. Learning focuses on spoken and written Indonesian systematically and logically through listening, reading, writing, and scientific speaking activities. Students will be equipped with the skills to explore ideas, write logically and systematically, use scientific and popular writing styles, and realize scientific and popular writing in their scientific fields. In addition, scientific writing rules and conventions in the Indonesian language are introduced, which are integrated with efforts to form a scientific paradigm-based mindset.

Course Content

  • History of Indonesian Language
  • Varieties of Indonesian
  • Scientific and Non-Scientific Works
  • Spelling, Diction, Sentences, and Paragraphs in Scientific Writing
  • Writing Citations


Primary Literature

  • Zulvarina, Prima, dkk. 2021. Buku Ajar Bahasa Indonesia: Edisi Revisi. Oase Publishing: Malang
  • Andarwulan, Trisna. Dkk. 2019. Kreatif Berbahasa Indonesia: Acuan Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Ilmiah di Perguruan Tinggi. Bandung: Rosda Karya
  • Tim Dosen Pusat MPK. 2019. Bahan Ajar Bahasa Indonesia. Malang: Pusat MPK UB
  • Setyowati, Eti, dkk. 2017. Bahasa Indoneisa Berbasis Karakter. Malang: UB Press
  • Suyono, dkk. 2015. Cerdas Menulis Karya Ilmiah. Malang: Gunung Samudera

Supporting Literature

  • Suyanto, Edi. 2015. Membina, Memelihara, dan Menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia Secara Benar. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu
  • Chaer, Abdul dan Agustina, Leoni. 2010. Sosiolinguistik: Perkenalan Awal. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta
  • Damono, Iqbal Aji. 2023. Berbahasa dengan Logis dan Gembira. Yogyakarta: Diva Press
  • Ejaan Yang Disempurnakan Edisi V
  • KBBI Edisi Kelima Daring

Assessment System

Assessment Matrix

  • Attitude and attendance (Prerequisite)
  • Assignment - PJBL (50%)
  • Midterm Exam (20%)
  • Final Exam 20%
  • Quiz/Assignment (10%)

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