MBKM (Emancipated Learning)

Independent Campus is a policy issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture by giving students the right to take courses outside the study program for 1 semester and activities outside the university for 2 semesters. Universities are given the freedom to provide Independent Campus activities that suit the needs and interests of their students.
The following types of activities are available in the Emancipated Learning(Kampus Merdeka) program, namely:

  • Certified Internship
  • Independent Study
  • Kampus Mengajar
  • Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA)
  • Independent Student Exchange
  • Membangun Desa (Thematic Community Services)
  • Humanitarian Project
  • Research
  • Entrepreneur

Student's experience in Kampus Merdeka activities will have a major effect on students' career readiness by ensuring that students continue to listen to changes in the world outside the campus while studying and have the opportunity to apply knowledge to real-world problems. (Source: Kampus Merdeka official website)

From a total of nine programs, several anthropology students have directly contributed to MBKM programs, such as Certified Internship, Independent Study, Independent Student Exchange, Entrepreneurship, and Village Building.

Testimonials of MBKM participants

Alifatul Khofifah

Alifatul Khofifah

2020 Anthropology Study Program, MSIB BTPN Syariah

It was a great pleasure to join the MSIB (Internship and Certified Independent Study) program at BTPN Syariah as a Community Empowerment Officer. During the program, I was responsible for monitoring the customer empowerment activities conducted by the facilitators at the remote sites. Through this program, I was introduced to a professional work environment while getting the opportunity to develop various skills such as effective communication, analytical ability, and creative problem solving.

Alyaa Shafiyyah Rahmadhanti

Alyaa Shafiyyah Rahmadhanti

2020 Anthropology Study Program, MSIB Cultural Preservation Center XI East Java

Having the opportunity to participate in MSIB (Internship and Certified Independent Study) activities at the East Java Cultural Preservation Center XI, gave me a real picture of the world of work while building and developing the skills needed in the future. Not only working with reports on computer layers, I also had the opportunity to establish relationships with staff and interns in the office, visitors in museums, and caretakers at cultural sites, with different cultural backgrounds and ages, while still upholding professionalism. The agency also involved me as an intern to contribute in field activities directly at the location of the Cultural Heritage area, such as temple studies, conservation, and excavation. From the whole series of internship activities that have been followed, I feel proud of the results and my involvement in this program, as well as all the experiences, opportunities, and benefits that I have gained.

Citra Aulia Rizki

Citra Aulia Rizki

2020 Anthropology Study Program, MSIB PT United Tractor

The MSIB (Internship and Certified Independent Study) program has been a very valuable experience for me. Through this program, I was given the opportunity to gain real work experience in the professional world, explore the culture and dynamics of the industry, and apply the knowledge I gained during my studies. In addition, the MSIB participants from various universities also opened up opportunities for me to establish relationships and discuss with fellow students, expand my network, and exchange knowledge.

Oktorio Tambasa

Muh. Oktorio Tambasa

2020 Anthropology Study Program, MBKM Busan Univesity of Foreign Studies

The student exchange program to Busan University of Foreign Studies, Busan, South Korea is an experience I will never forget. From this experience, I learned a lot, academically and non-academically, about the culture in South Korea, especially Busan, about history, culture, language, and more. This program helped me to open up many new perspectives. As part of the international students, we exchanged perspectives, not only with local students, but also with other international students. This made me absorb a lot of knowledge that cannot be obtained only in class, let alone in the culture that I grew up in. It was a very important moment in my life.

Jovanka Salsabila

Jovanka Salsabilla

Mahasiswa Prodi Antropologi 2020,  MSIB Museum Nasional Indonesia, Jakarta

Pengalaman saya selama mengikuti MSIB (Magang dan Studi Independen Bersertifikat) Batch 5 di Museum Nasional Indonesia, sangat memberikan wawasan terkait profesi yang ada di dalam museum dan bagaimana mengelola koleksi di dalamnya.  Kegiatan dan ilmu yang diberikan sesuai dengan jurusan Antropologi, sehingga saya dapat mempraktikkan secara langsung mata kuliah yang pernah saya pelajari di Antropologi, terutama Antropologi Museum. Tentunya, saya dapat menambah relasi dan bertukar ilmu dengan para mentor serta peserta MBKM yang berasal dari luar daerah. Saya sangat beruntung bisa mendapat kesempatan bergabung MSIB batch 5 di Museum Nasional Indonesia.

Mazaya Raina Moeis

Mazaya Rania Moeis

2020 Anthropology Study Program, MSIB Tiket.com

For me, the MSIB (Internship and Certified Independent Study) program at tiket.com has been a pivotal moment where I recognized the importance of work experience. The program provided preparation for joining the corporate world or in a start-up environment, as well as opening up opportunities for me in getting jobs and projects after completing MSIB. The portfolio that I develop through various work experiences will be a testament to my abilities and skills, which can then be key in finding a job after graduation.

Yoga Dewa

2019 Anthropology Study Program, MSIB Zenius

I joined the MSIB (Internship and Certified Independent Study) Program at Zenius which focused on Social Media Management. In this program, I gained an in-depth understanding of the process of content formation and campaigns on social media. This not only complemented my knowledge in anthropology, but also taught me that anthropological methods can be applied in market research. The experience of joining the MSIB Program at Zenius contributed significantly to my professional development. I gained practical skills that I can apply in the real world, and broadened my view on the role of social media in modern marketing and communications.