
Fieldwork, or field research, is the primary activity in anthropology for studying cultures and societies. In this method, anthropologists or anthropology's students go directly into the field in society, live with the people they want to study, and do some participation observation about how they live. 

In the UB Anthropology Study Program, fieldwork integrated into several courses so that students can interact directly with communities both individually and in groups more than once during the study period. One of the courses that provide experience fieldwork is Ethnographic Research Methods. Students will be placed in areas around Malang Raya and live with local communities for one full week. During fieldwork, students are expected to increase sensitivity to social phenomena, apply theories that have been learned in class, and hone their ability to analyze and collect data using ethnographic methods. In addition, accommodation such as lodging and transportation costs are fully covered by the study program.

Data results from fieldwork will be transformed into various forms, such as final semester assignments, presentations in seminars, or collective publication of articles.

Mata Kuliah Terkait

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